How was Cuor di Nocciola born? We have to set the clock back... to the 1920s.

Back then the hazelnut groves were relegated on plots and lands that were extremely unfavorable: steep slopes and shores, places where any attempt of cultivation was impossible.
Grandpa Gianni decided that hazelnuts should be the main culture in the family’s business and made a bet: he bought some fields and placed the plants there.
Everybody in town took him for a fool, but only for a short time. In fact, as time passed, hazelnuts grew in demand and profitability and all the efforts were paid off.

In the 1950s Cravanzana became more and more central and the experience in hazelnut groves helped improve the cultivation system and get better harvests every time.
What was the process back in the day? Everything was done by hand. The harvest was very challenging, but also a big celebration, that would welcome to Cravanzana tons of girls throughout the season: an army of harvesters that for a whole month would fill our lands with voices and smiles.
Ever since newer and more modern machineries were introduced, the harvest hasn’t required that much workforce anymore. Since the 1980s we engaged in the harvest with less and less support staff.

Nowadays, thanks to Andrea and Alberto’s enthusiasm, we decided to undertake a new adventure: it is not only about cultivating hazelnuts, but also processing them. Thanks to this new idea and through thorough controls and checks on our hazelnuts, we know exactly what we process and can give a voice to this amazing product we are so in love with.
Cuor di Nocciola represents our dream: cultivating good hazelnuts and transforming them into excellent products, rigorously BIO.